
Showing posts with the label childbirth classes

Are Childbirth classes necessary?

Babble has an intelligent discusssion on the reasons for the classes. I have often wondered if I really needed the classes, since the birth that I experienced was so different, but I do think the classes empower you with the knowledge to make a choice. So when I felt the pain of natural childbirth was unbearable. I asked for an epidural. I gained that knowledege from the childbirth classes. Childbirth education exists to fill a gap in the modern birthing system. Your caregiver will definitely talk to you about your pregnancy, and should be able to answer questions you have about childbirth. But most doctors and many midwives don't educate their patients about all the various ins and outs of pain coping strategies and hospital procedures. They just don't have time. Call it a conspiracy or just a byproduct of our medical system, but it's usually not part of the package. Childbirth education fills in where the doctor's office appointment leaves off. Ideally, in childbirth