Bashrat Peer Curfewed Night

I have not been able to read a complete book for two years. Today, that jinx was broken as it is the first day that, I finished a book and enjoyed reading it as much as Bashrat Peer's, Curfewed Night. The story revolves around the author, starting with his childhood in a village in Kashmir, the rising militancy of the 1990's, the military and para military presence in the common person's life. The author after a stint in Delhi, decides to go back to Srinagar and report the situation and personalizes it by going back to his childhood haunts and looking for friends and families that he remembered and also that he had read about. He emphasised the strong Sufi tradition in Kashmir and also the many cultures like Hinduism, Buddhism and Persian Islam that had influenced Kashmiri society. MiddleStage has a longer review of this wonderful book.
The book is depressing, but ends with a note of hope with the opening of the bus route between Srinagar and Muzzafarabad.