thought for today
This thought from the Mother fits my state of mind today. When you are in a particular set of circumstances and certain events take place, these events often oppose your desire or what seems best of you, and often you happen to regret this and say to yourself, "Ah! how good it would have been if it were otherwise, if it had been like this or like that", for little things and big things… Then years pass by, events are unfolded; you progress, become more conscious, understand better, and when you look back, you notice - first with astonishment, then later with a smile - that those very circumstances which seemed to you quite disastrous or unfavourable, were exactly the best thing that could have happened to you to make you progress as you should have. And if you are the least bit wise you tell yourself, "Truly, the divine Grace is infinite." So, when this sort of thing has happened to you a number of times, you begin to understand that in spite of the blindness of man...