Nilufer Gole idols and insults
This discussion was part of the PEN world voices series that i was able to attend yesterday. Idols and Insults: Writing , Religion and Freedom of Expression Juan Luis Cebrian editor El Pais, Upmanyu Chatterjee novelist English August, Hans Magnus Enzensberger poet and essayist, Nilufer Gole Turkish sociologist teaching in France, Ayaan Hirsi Ali Dutch M.P., Tariq Ramadan (by video) Professor at Oxford; moderated by Ian Buruma Dutch author. Cebrian editor of El Pais defines the concept of liberty, for city of people, which is different than city of God, freedom of thinking and disagreeing with others. 1. Universal values are not universal freedoms. Liberty does not belong to one person. Since Sept 11, 2001, and the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq criticism and provocation is the duty of writers and journalists. The Danish cartoon controversy is less about the cartoons per se but a reflection of the tension of inequality, persistence of poverty and the use of violence to resolves conf...