President Musharraf, Dafur and Iraq

Chapati Mystery analyzes Mohsin Hamid's oped in the NYT about the lack of support for Pakistani President Musharraf.

The link to Hamid's article is here.

A great article by Mahmood Mamdani in the London review of books here. The article is on
the Politics of Naming: Genocide, Civil War, Insurgency.

The similarities between Iraq and Darfur are remarkable. The estimate of the number of civilians killed over the past three years is roughly similar. The killers are mostly paramilitaries, closely linked to the official military, which is said to be their main source of arms. The victims too are by and large identified as members of groups, rather than targeted as individuals. But the violence in the two places is named differently. In Iraq, it is said to be a cycle of insurgency and counter-insurgency; in Darfur, it is called genocide. Why the difference? Who does the naming? Who is being named? What difference does it make?


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