Social and Emotional Learning

 Peers for Peers” focuses on the social and emotional learning of students in the Upper School. We started the school year by organizing an International Food Festival during the Fall Fair with food from Montenegro, Spain, Venezuela, Argentina, India, and the United States. The room also integrated the community engagement activities students participated in, from Senior Centers to Community Gardens and Soup Kitchens. We also featured the Ruler Program from Yale, which helps students name their emotions and chart them. Students in the Lower and Upper School also created visual representations of various emotions that were displayed as collages around the room. 

Peers for Peers” organized monthly teach-ins with Dr. Marrus, the school psychologist, discussing topics such as how to help friends, mental health (including subtopics of anxiety, depression, and suicide), Drug use, smoking, and vaping—focusing on their impact on the adolescent community. 

In January and February, “Peers for Peers” organized two Upper School talks: China Bushell presented on "MLK and the Search for Food Justice” and Khadijah Abdurahman discussed, "Algorithmic Justice.”

Our goal for the Spring is to organize a World Majority Day for the Upper School that would create a venue for students and faculty members to share their cultures with one another. 

Peer tutors are now part of “Peers for Peers” and Upper School students have tutored Middle and Lower School students in Reading, Writing, and Math. 

If you would like to work with “Peers for Peers” in any capacity and/or participate in our initiatives please reach out to Ms. Singh

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during these challenging times.

All the best,
Leadership Team


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