In the Land of the Taliban

The undefeated why the taliban have returned, by Elizabeth Rubin

Elizabeth Rubin has written a detailed analysis in the New York Times magazine on the return of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Her thesis is that Pakistan is responsible for the rebirth of the Taliban.

The reasons are

1. The Durand Line, the boundary drawn by the British in 1893 to separate the Pashtun tribes who were revolting against the British. Afghanistan has never recognized this arbitrary line. Pakistan wants it recognized in return for stability in Afghanistan.

2. Musharraf needs to appease the religious parties to extend his power. He bought them off, by giving them control of the North West Frontier Province and Baluchistan and let them use the Taliban.

3. Pakistan wants Afghanistan to remain it’s client state, and not pursue as Karzai is doing, business dealings and security with India and the U.S


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