conquest of anger Swami Sadasivananda

These are my first class notes on a class, that i took at the Sivananda Center.
Books to read -Thought power by Swami Sivananda
You can download the conquest of anger website.

Anger is a self centeredness, an active emotion, once you understand it you can understand others better. In a positive state one has a proper consideration of others. Often it is better to accept defeat, pull back, drop our anger. With positive thoughts you have a better communication. Their are painful consequences of anger and skillful ways to deal with it.
There is no quick fix. The ultimate solution is only when you realize the self, and truly know who you are. It is a creative process that requires time. Anger is a fire that needs to be cultivated into energy. Energy is enthusiasm, inspiration and joy.
Five points of the Swami Sivananda's teachings- proper breathing, yoga, proper food, meditation and behavior.
Mind is the ultimate wealth. Its important to do breathing like Pranayam for 10 minutes a day.
When one is angry you have a sharp exhalation. Yoga should be practised for 20 minutes a day.
Proper relaxation like sleep is important, sleep early, sleep is the absence of stimulation.
Fire is caused by what you eat, 10-2 is a good time to finish up eating. Refrain from spending energy, restore its balance through concentration.
All actions proceed from thought- set a time to do nothing, control the energy of fire.
Let problems get resolved by themselves, turn and lead a divine life.
Proper diet- heat causes anger which leads to alcohol and depression, suppressed fire, non veg food has the same effect.
Proper thinking and meditation- bright outlook learn Vedanta which says that there is only oneness in life. Do things now, forget what you need to do.
Mind analysis components 5 points on the nature of the mind.
origin does the mind end with the body?
Perception- is it instantaneous or in a form of serial impressions.
1. mind is by nature unsteady- don’t be hard on yourself.
The cause of this is Vriti or though waves- transformation of the mind into objects, mind takes shapes. Still mind allows true nature to rise. Blow on water and it creates waves, shapes. Thoughts are no different.
Thought waves cause Samskara or impressions.
Thoughts takes an identity. Mind takes a form. If one does not identify with thoughts no impression is formed. Mind is full of groves like a thought waves matrix.
Vasana are Samskaras of desires. Samskaras get activated when we identify with them, leading to new samskaras, creating impressions, having thoughts.
2. Subconscious mind is a restless mind.
Ssamskaras and vasana are based on previous experiences.
Spiritual life has positive impressions, obliterate all impressions witness them.
Subconscious desires are unfulfilled desires that direct your conduct.
Samskaras obliterate pure mind and dissolve into the self.
3.Mmind is a never satisfied, ego makes mind look alive. Fulfilment of desires does not still them. If you are satisfied, you have no desires.
Mental contentment is to have few needs and not many desires.
Initial desire became a need, need creates craving. Desire and craving became compulsive and agitated to fulfil desires. No thoughts, thinking drops.
Concentration reduces the number of thoughts, no thought no object no craving, you can have a happy simple life.
4. People like to identify with thoughts depending on gunas.
5.Power of imitation spend time with people because you like them. Violent movie influences you. Anger is imaginative and discriminative.
Discrimination or discernment is what one wants to develop. People have a tendency to generalize, and exaggerate certain qualites of people they like. For instance when you love someone, you see only their positive qualites, and when you dislike someone you exaggerate their negative qualites.
Be flexiable.
Powers of the mind
1. Create illusion
2. Trapped in illusion does not resolve the issues
ultimately love everyone, without attatchement.
Anger is a destructive emotion, associated with the color red, people think it’s a way to get things done.
Expression is good, but not to be manipulated and influenced by it.
Power of anger-
The older you get the less angry you became, as you are able to restrain yourself.
Definition of Anger-
A strong emotion, excited by a real or imaginary threat. Causing in us a desire for retaliation.
Fear is a desire to run, and its the opposite of anger.
Anger is a sharp intense fire, experienced in our body adrenal pump, sharp breathing, flight or fight mobilizing reserve.
Hot air, sweat effects the liver, which is the seat of the emotion of anger. Fear effects kidneys and sadness harms the lungs. When angry drink coldwater to cool down.
Another definition- anger is a deluded state of mind, in which we observe an object, find it unattractive, focus on bad qualities. We exaggerate the negative qualities of the object find the object intrinsically faulty.
Healthy relationships with life forces us to change. Insights lead to deeper bigger changes, exercise keeps the mind fresh.
Whatever happens, happens for the best. We need to learn to surrender. Things never truly happen how, you expect or want them to happen. It's often good if it they do not happen, how you want, cause that might be the easier way, where you are not learning anything new or being exposed to different experiences.
Anger management requires one to move on, drop expectations and don’t say shouldn’t, cant, impossible, and instead say is and can.
Anger directed towards your past are when tiny things became blockades of energy. Project your anger towards the future.
Forms of anger
1.displeasure/ dislike facial expression frown.
2.wish to harm or hurt, you think your partner is a bad person you ignore his good qualities, unrealistic, exaggerated mind. .


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