Expecting too much from our children

Mad Momma has a wonderful article on parents that want overachieving children. What happened to just wanting your child to be happy and content??

I am beginning to sound like a stuck record but I am sick of these parents who want their kids to be over achievers. Or even achievers. If I had one wish for my children, it would be that they are happy people. Not necessarily successful people. In fact most people feel that parents, especially stay at home mothers live their dreams through their children and want them to achieve professional success. I don't. I don't care what they do. As long as they are happy.

I don't care if they end up as beach bums, as long as they are happy. There. I said it. I am sick of people our age, having heart attacks at 28 (yes, I know two men who had heart attacks at 28!) due to stress. Chefs, engineers, artists, doctors, designers, gay, bisexual... anything..everything that others have thrown at me as options when I have made this statement earlier. As long as they are happy and good people.

Why are we so obsessed with records and making and breaking them? Why are we so obsessed with having children who can multiply insane amounts mentally, recite shlokas backwards and use the computer at 18 months? Why must all babies be super babies and why must every thing be an opportunity to learn?

Don't get me wrong, I am alright with pointing out everyday things and going for nature walks... but nothing is good in extremes. I will not be the mother saying, "Good morning Brat. When the sun shines, it's morning. Now pick up your toothbrush and brush your teeth or you will get cavities. Now wear your blue pants and red shirt and sit in your green high chair and eat your yellow egg."

Take a chill pill. Our parents did not use every opportunity to teach us and I think most of us have turned out alright. This whole obsession with super babies and building super bright achievers is getting out of hand.


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